Becoming a "foxhole friend" with Mike "The Legend" Baldwin

Mike Balwin is a man of God, a devoted husband and father, and now handles the day to day operations of Grossman on Truth.  Prior to that, Mike served Arizona  as a  law enforcement officer in areas of patrol, Field Training Officer, SWAT Operator, Sergeant, and Lead Detective in the Major Felons Unit, where Mike was given the nickname, "The Legend", by those he worked with.  

Today we discuss topics such as
   - 5:56 faith
   - 9:19 being the light amidst the darkness
   - 12:27 commonalities in criminals and lack of responsiblity
   - 15:30 raising boys
   - 17:58 oath of a law enforcement officer
   - 20:00 do the right thing no matter what
   - 29:00 "foxhole friends"
   - 33:27 fear
   - 36:00 what makes a  "Legend"
   - 42:13 reputation
   - 45:00 sheep, sheepdog, and wolf - Grossman on Truth
   - 49:58 family

Grossman on Truth -


Developing the Warrior Within


Rite of Passage, Faith, and the Brain Science of Boys vs Girls