Biblical Masculinity with the Anglican Warrior

In this episode I have a conversation with Scott Walker.  Scott is a: man of God, husband, father, firefighter, real estate agent, and an ordained Anglican priest. A few years ago, a bicep tendon tear led Scott to seek struggle and doing hard things to find hope and gain resilience.

We talk about:

- Being comfortable being uncomfortable 

- Getting outside

- The brutality of the cross 

- The masculinity of Jesus 

- What it means to be a man

- Individual vs. collective relationship with Christ

- Our King is a warrior

- Brotherhood 

- Church retention

- Fishermen and shipyard worker

- Nice guys vs good men

- Manufacturing difficulties for our kids

- Traditional values 

    - Honor

    - Integrity

    - Courage 

    - Discipline

    - Work ethic 

- Masculinity vs Biblical masculinity

- The four Ps

    - Protect

    - Provide

    - Prepare

    - Procreate

- God Brings order out of chaos - we bring chaos out of order

- We finish with the Collect of purity

    - “Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.” 


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