Emotionally Resilient Badass - Dr. Cheryl Hart

In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Cheryl Hart.  Dr. Hart is a mental health therapist who spends her time walking alongside firefighters dealing predominantly with PTSD and L&I claims.  Dr. Hart has walked along side of many of my brothers and sisters, adding life and longevity to them, their careers and their families.  Today we discuss the importance of men acknowledging and being aware of their emotions, the increased propensity of suicide and depression in firefighters, law enforcement and military personnel.  We dive into emotional resiliency, building up “emotional muscle”, and the power of getting in emotional reps.  We touch on emotional neglect, PTSD, Depression, emotional safety, having a menu of responses to pull from, and that sometimes you have to kick ass, go to war and punch people in the face. 


Firefighter to Farmer - Andrew Douglas


Cornerman - Martin Ellis